Lázaro Internacional S.A. – Vitex




Technology for energy saving, oil and maintenance. More advanced cleaning on large diameter circular machines.

Single-front machine for the production of basic stitches on 4 lanes.

The technology that avoids cleaning maintenance.

Thanks to a patented self-cleaning system, in the total absence of external devices, the machine is capable of ejecting the accumulation of fibers and the typical contamination that usually accumulates both on the eccentrics of the cylinder and on the sinker plate.

Therefore, the machine does not require cleaning maintenance, allowing you to save time and avoid the complications that derive from this operation.

Typical working condition (traditional machine) with natural fibers after about two months of exercise

The technology that allows to increase energy efficiency.

Superior quality of the mesh in the vanisé.

The constant self-cleaning of the textile head generates an important economic benefit with a decisive impact on the following aspects:

  • Constant energy consumption (energy consumption, for a traditional machine, increases directly proportional to pollution).
  • Longer useful life of the needle (in the absence of dirt the performance is greater while the wear is less).
  • Absence of oil lines in the fabric.
  • Reduction of oil consumption up to 50%.
  • Lower operating temperature.
  • Superior quality of the mesh in the vanisè.
  • Total absence of cleaning of the textile head

The use of special needles-sinks exclusively designed by Groz-Beckert for Santoni Innotas and “self-cleaning” cams and sectors are fundamental states to achieve the desired objectives.

Tests with synthetic threads, which by nature do not contaminate, confirmed the absence of oil lines.

Zenit Innotas. Image of the textile head after 90 tons of product (cotton)

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A comunicação enviada será incorporada num ficheiro da responsabilidade de Lázaro Internacional, SA. Esta comunicação será utilizada exclusivamente para o tratamento dos seus dados para o atendimento do seu pedido, sempre de acordo com o Regulamento (UE) 2016/679 (RGPD), Lei Orgânica 15/1999 de 13 de dezembro (LOPD) e Real Decreto 1720/2007 de desenvolvimento do LOPD), sobre proteção de dados. Seus dados não serão comunicados a terceiros, exceto por obrigação legal, e serão mantidos enquanto você não solicitar o seu cancelamento.

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The communication sent will be incorporated into a file for which Lázaro Internacional, SA is responsible. This communication will be used exclusively to process your data to meet your request, always in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD), Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 (LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007 development of the LOPD), on data protection. Your data will not be communicated to third parties, except by legal obligation, and will be kept as long as you do not request its cancellation.

At any time you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, portability and opposition, and, where appropriate, the limitation and cancellation, communicating it in writing, indicating your personal data to .Juan de la Cierva, 14 08397, PINEDA de MAR or by sending an email to contact@lazarointernacional.com.

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